PostHeaderIcon The Great Calamity of Debt: How to Protect your Mental Health

Worries over debt and financial problems can certainly keep you awake at night; however, studies have now found that it can also lead to issues with mental health. Debt can frequently give rise to worries, fears and even anxiety. When you are experiencing this type of stress, your mind naturally becomes concerned about the future. This can also lead to clouded thinking and decision-making, worsening the situation. Worrying over money can have an effect over your entire life, including those around you. It is imperative that you are able to make well-informed decisions with a clear mind rather than when feeling overwhelmed by fears and anxieties. Not only can worry over debt lead to mental health issues, such as depression, but it can also affect other areas of your health as well and lead to a variety of physical illnesses, including heart disease.

Counselling: Rather than waiting for your finances and your anxiety to consume you, it is important to make sure you are coping with the situation head-on. Counselling is an excellent way to address the stress and anxiety you may be experiencing. While you may feel as though you are struggling with your debt situation to such a point that you may not be able to afford anti-anxiety medication or counselling, there are solutions available that can assist you. Even if you do not have health insurance, there are resources available where you can turn. There are actually many low-income counselling services throughout the country. Many such facilities charge for services based on a sliding-income scale, allowing you to pay based on what you can afford.

Physical health: It is also important to make sure you are looking after your physical health during this critical time. Try to avoid or at least decrease your consumption of stimulants. Stimulants, including caffeinated beverage, can actually help to induce stress. It is also important to avoid substances like tobacco, narcotics and alcohol. While it may feel as though such substances are calming, in reality they worsen your health and can lead to impaired decision-making. The reality is that relying on such substances will not reduce your stress.

Eat well: Focus on eating a healthy and well-balanced diet that is rich in fruit and vegetables. Fast food and junk food may at first seem to be less expensive; however, over the long-term the consequences they have on your health and overall well-being are far more expensive. If you are experiencing difficulty in affording healthy food, look into resources available in your community. In light of the economy, most communities now provide a variety of different resources struggling families and individuals. When your body is supplied with the right nutrients you will feel better both physically as well as mentally.

Take time to relax: Try to take breaks whenever possible to keep your stress levels in check. It is not uncommon for many people today to work multiple jobs to try to make ends meet. While this may be necessary, remember that burning your candle at both ends can have serious consequences. Ensure you are getting at least eight hours of sleep each night. Contrary to popular opinion, you cannot catch up on lost sleep and a lack of sleep can have serious consequences on your mental and physical health.

Communicate: Finally, do not be afraid to discuss your problems with others. While financial difficulties at one time were a taboo subject, debt problems are now far more prevalent than ever. You might be surprised to discover how many of your friends and acquaintances are experiencing the same type of problems. Discussing your problems with others can help to ensure you do not repress your stress and anxiety and may even open the path for resources that can assist you during this difficult time.

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